Berry Bushes and Fruit Trees

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Our Berry Plants and Fruit Trees are hardy to South Central Alaska and are available from May through October. The plants are all second year and will produce fruit or berries the same year they are purchased from us.

  • Apple Trees:  Norland, Parkland, Goodland
  • Aronia, Chokeberry
  • Bearberry, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
  • Blackberry, Illini Hardy
  • Blueberry, Northsky
  • Cherry- Nanking, Carmen Jewel  (Bush)
  • Cherry- Evans  (Tree)
  • Crabapple- Dolgo
  • Currant- Ben sarek Black
  • Goji Berry
  • Grape, Concord and Niagara
  • Honeyberry, Haskap
  • Jostaberry
  • Kiwi, Arctic Kolomitka, Male and Female
  • Labrador Tea
  • Lingonberry
  • Raspberry- Boyne (Red), Fall Gold (Gold)
  • Rhubarb, Red Crimson
  • Saskatoon, Serviceberry
  • Sea Buckthorn
  • Strawberry, Honeyone
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Parkland Apple Tree 



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Parkland Apple Tree 



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 Red Crimson Rhubarb



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Kiwi Vines, Raspberries, and Strawberries! All of our Berries are hardy second year plants that will be fruit producing this year!



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Arctic Kiwi Vine