In August, Matt and Dale traveled to Vietnam and Cambodia for 3 weeks. They returned after many new and exciting experiences. From Ho Chi Minh City to Angkor Wat, the journey provided insight into the daily lives of people in an entirely different culture than our own. We returned with new ideas for the Greenhouse, and memories to last a lifetime. Click the links below to read our story.

Part One- The Story of Our Travels From Anchorage to Saigon

Click the photo below to read Part One of our Story.

Part Two-

The Journey from Saigon Through the Mekong Delta

Click the photo below to read Part Two of our story.

Part Three-

By Boat to Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Click the photo below to read Part Three of our story.

Part Four-

Siem Reap and Angkor Wat, Cambodia

Click the photo below to read Part Four of our Story.